Planning to build a house - for the first time in our lives - is a big task!
A customized design on a rural block, a high wind-rating, uneven terrain and less than ideal access conditions make it even more tricky. To find a project builder to take on those challenges was a true research activity: Ownit Homes came out as the top favourite.
It was and still is a journey, needless to say, but with comprehensive assistance of the Ownit team (sales, engineering, design and admin/co-ordination) we finalized the plans, made fit-out selections and processed approvals. We can certainly say that Ownit Homes operates very professional, all team members are very responsive, they pay attention to detail and importantly – take pride in providing a favourable client outcome.
Now, our Hampton style home is half way build. Not even 3 months ago we started and Lock-up stage is around the corner. Excellent workmanship by Ownit appointed craftsmen is complemented by strict supervision of other contractors through competent site management. Frequent progress updates and forecast on next activities are provided.
We are very satisfied with the progress so far and looking forward to move into a modern and feature-rich Ownit Home soon.
Well done Ownit Team, Thank you!