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Your step by step guide to: preparing for your colour selections appointment

The process of building a home is a journey made up of an array of meetings and decisions to get you to your finished product. One of the most exciting parts of building your new home, we like to think, is the Colour Selection process. This is where your visions, wishes, and personality come together to create the home you’ve been dreaming of.

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For some people, having so many options to choose from can make the experience slightly daunting and overwhelming. We understand that articulating what you may have in your mind can be just as hard as making decisions. So, to make your Colour Selections appointment as easy and as stress-free as possible, we have put together a step-by-step guide to get you started.

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1. Communication is key!

If there is more than one of you involved in your home build, it’s vital that you communicate with one another before decisions around style and colour need to be made. Whether you’re a couple that’s looking to downsize, a family that needs space to grow, or an investor, one of the biggest road bumps experienced during a Colour Selections appointment is when there is a lack of communication as to what the visions are for the home.

We believe that the best way to save time during your appointment is to ensure you’re all on the same page before attending your appointment. This will help to avoid conflicting conversations, aid in the process going smoothly, and allow yourselves to enjoy the fun experience that it is!

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2. Create a wish list

We recommend sitting down together before your appointment and making note of colours, features and styles that are important to you. Creating a wish list will help you narrow down your personal style and avoid wondering about the dreaded question of ‘what if’ after your home is built. A wish list is also extremely helpful to our team in the Dream Studio, as it gives them an idea of what you would like your home to look like. While our team is extremely experienced, they aren’t mind readers, so having a wish list will flag things early and ensure that the things you want won’t get missed!

Our Colour Studio Consultant, Ashleigh, highly recommends splitting your wish list into two parts; the ‘must-haves’ and the ‘inessentials but would be nice.’ Doing it this way can help you understand what you want to prioritise and what’s achievable for your budget. This also saves so much time in your appointment because you’ve communicated these to each other or your consultant previously.

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3. Research, research, research

Our team will provide you with as much information as possible in the lead-up to your Colour Selections appointment, such as explaining what’s already included in your new home, as well as what brands we partner with. However, we will answer any questions you may have! We believe the best approach for clients to gain a better understanding of what they’re after is to research the brands we partner with and your inclusions before your appointment. That way when you come in, you will know if you would like to stick with your inclusions or investigate other upgrade options that our Colour Consultant can attain quotes for.  This saves a lot of umming and ahhing during your Colour Selections appointment and allows time for other conversations!

Our experienced Colour Consultant, Ashleigh, will be there with you every step of the way to offer an abundance of knowledge and advice about trending colours and products. You can feel rest assured that after your appointment, your new home will look the best it possibly can for years to come.

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4. The more the merrier… where samples and notes are concerned

If you have done any research or visits to any of our supplier showrooms bring in whatever you have collected in your travels! Whether that’s on the web or out and about on the road. Samples, notes, power points or spreadsheets, whatever helps you visualise and articulate your ideas are greatly appreciated!

If you have gone and selected tiles or flooring already, bring in the samples! That way we can look at all your colours together. If you have a physical or digital scrapbook, bring it in! Laptops with Pinterest boards or presentations are more than welcome too.

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5. There is no such thing as a silly question!

We understand that a lot of our clients may have never built a home before. So please, if you’re unsure of anything or don’t understand something, just ask! We would much prefer you ask for help or understanding of something to make sure everyone is on the same page! As home builders, we look at house plans, contracts, and codes all day every day and we can guarantee that we’ll have the answer to every single one of your questions.

When selecting things, if there is a code or brand and you are unsure what something is or looks like, the quickest way would be to Google it to see pictures! That way you can be assured that what is being selected is what you wanted or then gives you an opportunity to change it before it’s too late!

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6. It’s okay if you have no clue where to start!

Do not stress if you are totally lost! Our Colour Studio Consultant is there for a reason and if you have no idea where to start, just come on in for your appointment and she will help you work it all out together. It’s completely fine if you you’re not sure what you’d like and need more guidance with your selections. Our experienced team will have a chat with you to narrow down your preferences and help you find exactly what you’re after.

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All in all, choosing colours for your new home should be fun! Our Colour Consultant is a bit biased and has been known to say that this is the best part of the building process, and she’s not wrong! Finding colours and styles that best reflect you and your family will ensure that you fall in love with your home each time you step foot into it! And we guarantee that any help we can give you to make choosing your colours the best part, we absolutely will!

Check out our full range of home designs or call 07 3343 4244 to get started on your building journey.